I had a horrible experience last night. J and I were chit chatting, our nightly ritual. Talking and laughing about anything and everything, when we both realized that it was 10:30 my time and 12:30 her time. We ended the 2 1/2 hour chat and I headed to bed. I locked up the house, turned off all the lights, took out my contacts, brushed my teeth and turned in.
Not even 5 minutes later, I hear a cat scream. We all know, that is not a pleasant sound. I have a cat and sometimes she sneaks outside, so my first thought was Bailey was in a fight with another cat. I jumped up and look at Bailey's tower, she was laying down. "Good" I thought as I then heard growling and more screaming. I ran to the window, which looks out onto my front porch. I see animals wrestling around, but had no idea what my eyes were seeing at first. I focused and realized it was two dogs and a cat. The dogs were clamped down and shacking this poor animal.
Background: I live in base housing on an Air Force Base and my husband is currently serving a year in Korea.
Quickly, I pushed the window open and started yelling and banging on the window. This did not even phase the vicious dogs. They started moving around towards my car and then to my front yard. I ran to the front room, doing the same banging and yelling. Nothing was working, I called the SP's and informed the dispatcher what was happening. He said they were backed up, they would "TRY" to send a car by.
I am panicking at this point... I know the cat is gone, but I didn't want to accept that, I called J back crying. She is such a true friend, anytime I need her she is there. Then, I see a guy in my yard. He has one dog on a leash and the other by the collar. I yelled out the window, you better get that cat out of my yard. He says, I will I am sorry Ma'am. J proceeds to calm me down and waited with me on the phone for the SP's to show... which they never did. The guy takes his dogs home, I watched to see what house he went too. Then get my camera, take pictures of the cat (from as far away as possible).
The guy comes back and bags up the cat and knocks on my door. He apologizes for his dogs and asks me if the cat is mine. I said no and was highly upset, asked him why he had pit bulls on base? There are certain breeds which are banned from base housing, he tells me they aren't pit bulls and they at papered at the Vet, another requirement to have pets in base housing.
I know a pit bull when I see one, my front yard was dark, but geez seriously. There was no mistaking those dogs! They were nothing but muscle and obviously not friendly. They had the short snout and were locked down on this cat so hard.
I tell him thanks for apologizing, honestly I didn't know what else to say and closed the door. J talked to me until almost midnight. Then, I went to bed. This morning I ran into my neighbors and Bethany told me she was headed out to through something in the trash, when the dogs ran into their house. Chris yelled and they ran out, then apparently they came down to my house.
We both have placed calls to the housing office, informing them of the situation. They said they would handle it from here and hopefully it won't happen again. They explained the reason why the dogs were allowed to stay in housing, since they are pit bulls. She tells me they were grandfathered in, when the privatization company took over. Well, what the FUCK, the military policy was the exact same, no pit bulls and other vicious breeds! This to me is bull and I am not happy with the answer she gave me.
Needless to say I will be calling animal control if I see those dogs in the next few days. And about me being so angry, I don't know who I am more angry with: the fact that my neighbor has vicious dogs, which he cannot control or the fact that the SP's who are suppose to regulate things is base housing, never showed up or was it that those dogs should have been banned from housing along time ago! Whatever it is, I am thankful my daughter was not outside, was not a witness to, nor was she affected by this incident at all. I am also thankful for my cat being inside. I feel horrible for the owners of the cat and it truly is unfair that they will probably never know what happened, because unfortunately I do not know who the owners are.
This Pit Bull Attack Happened in Indiana ~ where I am from. This dog had started out by biting other animals and then bit a human.
This one happened right here in Vegas ~ where I live now!