Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meow, Meow

Gotta love her... ok so my daughter is really into acting like different animals. She is currently pretending to be a cat. I am sitting at the dining room table checking my blog, when all of a sudden I have her meowing and clawing at my leg. So, like any good mother, I indulge her. I start to pet her head and then pick her up and put her on my lap for more meowing. Then what comes on the TV? Well that would be the theme song to Sponge Bob... or Sponge Bogs as she would like to call him. And I get the excited face and "Sponge Bogs is on TV, I told you so!" She kills me with the stuff she says. She has also picked up the word "something", I tend to ask her if she wants something for dinner, snack, lunch, ext. or I will ask her if she wants cereal or something, you see what I am getting at. Well, she has started to tell me exactly what she wants, but still puts something on the end of the sentence. For instance, "Mommy I want some cookies or something" I crack up every time!