Monday, May 5, 2008

Getting from point A to B

I am the author of my own life. I need no one to tell me how to live my life. I need friends and family to help guide and give advice, but sometimes I need to just make one own choices. Whether the decision is the right one or not, I do not need anyone judging me, especially when that person calls me a friend. Friends are open and honest and if need be they keep secrets. They don't snoop and spread gossip. Why do I trust people with my most intimate secrets just to be stabbed in the back. I have kept many of secrets in my day and I believe myself to be a trustworthy friend, why is it that I can't find that in others? Why am I so trusting? I hate to be so naive, but I don't want to look for the worst in people.

This does not apply to my most bestest of friends, because I know I can trust them with my life! The last two days have been, WOW! Ups and downs, drama and more drama. I just want an easy path to the near future, not this wading through muck to get there. Life is changing very soon and well to be honest I am not sure I have been handling it all that well. I thought I was on the right track, but FUCK i am not making very good choices lately. I am now trying to recognize these mistakes and move forward.


David said...

There are and will be forks in our roads, never second guess your choices in my humble opinion. Lou, I believe that if you "choose wrong", all you do is create some different opportunities for you down the road. I like this post for a couple of reasons. Lou starts out confident " I am the author..." You are strong!. It breaks up for me when you "just want an easy path..". Hmmmm not right coming from a strong confident writer that posted so many wonderful things about life.
But you save it for me when you recognize that you have not made the best choices (read, came to path in road and believes she took the wrong path or fork), but the "Move forward" is the way to end this post.
You probably don't recognize how strong you are I fear. i don't see you grasping the opportunities that life offers in choices.
Lou there are NO WRONG choices! Just different adventures with different cast and characters. Yes some are more difficult, but that is what we need to build us stronger.
You are a great writer.

Lou said...

Thank you David. Your comment is extremely inspiring.