Monday, April 28, 2008

Great Day

I had a wonderfully uplifting, great day today! Mondays are always hard, to go back to work after a great weekend, but today was good! Over the weekend, Little Miss, myself and a couple of friends went to 51's minor league baseball game. We had a great time, LM enjoyed herself as did I. One the way out, one of the grounds keepers gave LM a ball from the game. She didn't stop talking about that ball all weekend! Sunday I got a lot of packing done and I felt as though I accomplished a large step in the moving process.

Then, today rolled around and I thought oh no another day at work, ugh. Really, it was not all too bad. I trained Lori on time, for the dreaded day when I leave (ok she is dreading it, she hates to see me go, but I am excited!) and I had some good conversation on break full of witty banter. Lori and I did lunch and gossiped as usual. Nothing like a little girl time, yeah!

Got LM from daycare and headed to the commissary. Got some shopping done and went home unloaded. We made a pizza and watched my shows from last night. I just got LM down and now I am taking advantage of some ME time.

I am truly counting down the days till I am reunited with the love of my life and we can begin our new adventure! LM misses her daddy and we can't wait for him to be in our arms again.

PS: J's daughter made me laugh so hard earlier I about peed my pants! Check out her blog: I just so happened to be on the phone with her when this conversation transpired.

Friday, April 25, 2008



I had a horrible experience last night. J and I were chit chatting, our nightly ritual. Talking and laughing about anything and everything, when we both realized that it was 10:30 my time and 12:30 her time. We ended the 2 1/2 hour chat and I headed to bed. I locked up the house, turned off all the lights, took out my contacts, brushed my teeth and turned in.

Not even 5 minutes later, I hear a cat scream. We all know, that is not a pleasant sound. I have a cat and sometimes she sneaks outside, so my first thought was Bailey was in a fight with another cat. I jumped up and look at Bailey's tower, she was laying down. "Good" I thought as I then heard growling and more screaming. I ran to the window, which looks out onto my front porch. I see animals wrestling around, but had no idea what my eyes were seeing at first. I focused and realized it was two dogs and a cat. The dogs were clamped down and shacking this poor animal.

Background: I live in base housing on an Air Force Base and my husband is currently serving a year in Korea.

Quickly, I pushed the window open and started yelling and banging on the window. This did not even phase the vicious dogs. They started moving around towards my car and then to my front yard. I ran to the front room, doing the same banging and yelling. Nothing was working, I called the SP's and informed the dispatcher what was happening. He said they were backed up, they would "TRY" to send a car by.

I am panicking at this point... I know the cat is gone, but I didn't want to accept that, I called J back crying. She is such a true friend, anytime I need her she is there. Then, I see a guy in my yard. He has one dog on a leash and the other by the collar. I yelled out the window, you better get that cat out of my yard. He says, I will I am sorry Ma'am. J proceeds to calm me down and waited with me on the phone for the SP's to show... which they never did. The guy takes his dogs home, I watched to see what house he went too. Then get my camera, take pictures of the cat (from as far away as possible).

The guy comes back and bags up the cat and knocks on my door. He apologizes for his dogs and asks me if the cat is mine. I said no and was highly upset, asked him why he had pit bulls on base? There are certain breeds which are banned from base housing, he tells me they aren't pit bulls and they at papered at the Vet, another requirement to have pets in base housing.

I know a pit bull when I see one, my front yard was dark, but geez seriously. There was no mistaking those dogs! They were nothing but muscle and obviously not friendly. They had the short snout and were locked down on this cat so hard.

I tell him thanks for apologizing, honestly I didn't know what else to say and closed the door. J talked to me until almost midnight. Then, I went to bed. This morning I ran into my neighbors and Bethany told me she was headed out to through something in the trash, when the dogs ran into their house. Chris yelled and they ran out, then apparently they came down to my house.

We both have placed calls to the housing office, informing them of the situation. They said they would handle it from here and hopefully it won't happen again. They explained the reason why the dogs were allowed to stay in housing, since they are pit bulls. She tells me they were grandfathered in, when the privatization company took over. Well, what the FUCK, the military policy was the exact same, no pit bulls and other vicious breeds! This to me is bull and I am not happy with the answer she gave me.

Needless to say I will be calling animal control if I see those dogs in the next few days. And about me being so angry, I don't know who I am more angry with: the fact that my neighbor has vicious dogs, which he cannot control or the fact that the SP's who are suppose to regulate things is base housing, never showed up or was it that those dogs should have been banned from housing along time ago! Whatever it is, I am thankful my daughter was not outside, was not a witness to, nor was she affected by this incident at all. I am also thankful for my cat being inside. I feel horrible for the owners of the cat and it truly is unfair that they will probably never know what happened, because unfortunately I do not know who the owners are.

This Pit Bull Attack Happened in Indiana ~ where I am from. This dog had started out by biting other animals and then bit a human.

This one happened right here in Vegas ~ where I live now!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Dark Side

My buddy at work Matt Miller, told me ages ago that I would one day join him on the dark side. He has for the entire span of my existence at M.I.T. made some sort of Star Wars reference. It all began on that fateful day, when I so idiotically decided to wear my hair parted down the middle with two flips on either sides of my head. From this day forward I was either called Princess Leah (I know, it's Matt Miller! He never says anything right when he is joking, I correct him all the time and say IT'S Princess Leia!) or Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Well, a few months back I started venturing out into the shop during the "guys" break time. Oli's toolbox has over the years become the hang out spot, or as I like to call it the "cool kids table". These guys are so fun and quite enjoyable even on a slow day.

Matt Miller can be rather mean to some of the other guys and I like to call him out on it. "Why do you think that is ok or acceptable to speak to these guys you call friends in such a manner." (OK we all know it didn't come out like that) I really only meant part of what I was saying because to be honest he is a humorous man and cracking jokes is the highlight of what happens around what we like to call the Soap Opera "As the Duals Turn".

At first I tested the waters and would say a comment here or there, but nothing to offensive. He told me I was straddling the fence post of the dark side. Then, the heavy breathing followed by "Luke come to the dark side, I am your father" begun! Truthfully, I am a smart ass by birth and I am pretty quick on my feet with some classic one liners. Matt Miller has caught on to this knowledge the longer he hangs out with me and has come to the realization that I was already on the dark side. So, now we just practice our breathing in each others presence, which makes for a lot of laughs and some interesting looks from outsiders!


Footnote: I was just informed by Little Miss that both her and I are Cinderella and Daddy is a power ranger! LMAO!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rambling Day 2

Can someone truly and fully give their heart to another? Love seems to be in an abundance and there always seems to be someone out there that will love you, but can you really hand over your heart to another? Is is possible to move forward, beyond everything you have felt in the past, open up completely and just FALL.

We can't change the past, but we can create the future. Anything seems possible when you have another to count on and when you know that person will give you everything they have. Finding this (love or lust whatever you call it) takes up a great deal of time in our short existence on this planet. Why do we care some much about finding someone who will put up with our idiosyncrasies?

Don't we need to find ourselves as individuals before we can give ourselves to someone else? We have to know what precious gifts we are giving and whether or not they will take the time to handle it with care. Someone who will complement us and not dominate us.

Yet, we as humans take a more instinctive approach to love, whether it be animalistic or just the need to be wanted. Consistently we try to find ourselves in others, when we just need to reach into our own souls for the answers. Love at a young age, is pure and untouched, but it all to often gets tainted and the purity is lost. Lost for good or hidden behind things, we then have to rediscover and answer questions about ourselves in order to let another in again. We are constantly battling internally with questions we don't seem to take the time to answer.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Sometimes life hands you a bowl full of bullshit and you know deep down its bullshit, but you dive in deep. Then what? You wallow around in the shit until it gets to deep and you try to get out, but what happens? You are so deep you can't escape and you are FORCED to head your mistake face on and try to clean up the mess. Why is it that we can't see what we are getting into before we are in it up to our necks and it feels like it will swallow us whole? Choose right, choose left, but no we go straight forward, toward the disaster. The excitement is tempting, the need for change, the want for an adventure gets the better of us and there we are... that's right... right where we didn't want to be. Now what? Do we head back? Do we go forward? Or fuck, do we now choose right or left? Pentacle points in our life and we consistently choose wrong, why? Sometimes we revert back to the past and that helps to make the life altering decision, so does that answer the question... DO we really learn FROM our MISTAKES???? No one is perfect and god knows I have made my share of wrong choices, but I would like to believe that I can CHANGE! I can make good decisions for a chance, go right, go left, but fuck DON'T go straight. Don't go into the devils dungeon, TURN do what you can to change the path. Stray away, choose anything, everything, just don't make THAT choice again!
This is actually a picture of me getting a tattoo... but I would like to believe this is my "AAAWWW Fuck " face... when I know I have realized I made another mistake!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fuck, did I just say that?

OKAY! So I held a "toy" party on Saturday. Um let me start out by saying, well hell where do I start? About 2 o'clock I was worried there wouldn't be enough people there. So, I ran into my neighbor down the street and invited her and her sister who is in town. Background: I don't know her all that well, I mean we have talk outside a few times for a couple of hours and we took our girls to the park once. Actually, I started talking to her husband first because they live across from my mailbox and he was out cleaning the car with their little girl and Little Miss wanted to say HI. So, anyways she was like yeah that would be fun! Her husband is getting ready to leave for Korea, so it was a good opportunity for her to stock up! We headed out and got to my friends apartment where we were hosting it. I proceeded to get hammered because I knew I had to sober up to get my daughter by 11. My bestest Linds poured me a drink and before I knew it I was buzzed and adding only alcohol to what was left of my drink! Needless to say I was drunk by like 6:30. Background: my friends and I are a little out there. We tell each other how hot each others husbands are and how we would so sleep with them under different circumstances. Well, my neighbor is getting a kick out of me being tipsy and so I sit down to talk to her... to be honest all I remember saying was "YEAH, your husband is HHHOOOTTTT!!!" please say that with a slur cause that is how it came out! HA, right, I know! It was honest and open at the time cause I rate my friends husbands and they rate mine, so whatever. Well, I don't remember how she took it that night, I just remember blurting it out. No biggy I was drunk and talking all kinds of mess about Linds' husband. Needless to say I haven't seen her since Saturday and I ran into today at the mailbox. She was cool and everything, nothing was being said.... UNTIL... "yeah did you have fun on Saturday you were kind of drunk?"..."yeah you're right I was"... then we starting talking about tattoos... (apparently we talked about them on Saturday).... so then I said "yeah I don't remember much from Saturday"... then she slides in there "do you remember something you said?"... AND OH SNAP FUCK SHIT BITCH IF THOSE WORDS DIDN'T COME FLOODING BACK IN A RAGE OF OH SHIT I WISH I COULD TAKE THAT BACK! I don't think she is the type of girl who likes to have her man talked about! I said "no what the hell else came out of my mouth?" and then she just laughed and it was over but for those few seconds I just wanted to DIE!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bailey Mae

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Me, Myself, and who the hell was I talking about again?!

Well, sometimes ideas ~ more like brain farts ~ creep into my head and I wonder what my life would be like if I had made different choices. Where would life have taken me? Like I said brain farts... I love my life, but what if.... What if I never would have gone to that wedding 7 years ago? What if I would have been more dedicated my first few years of college? What if I turned right instead of left? What if I sucked it up and called? What if I would have pulled, instead of pushed? What if I would have said NO and saved something close? This past week life took an unexpected turn and my decision will put me on a path which I know I can be proud of. Oh, the what ifs just kill me!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meow, Meow

Gotta love her... ok so my daughter is really into acting like different animals. She is currently pretending to be a cat. I am sitting at the dining room table checking my blog, when all of a sudden I have her meowing and clawing at my leg. So, like any good mother, I indulge her. I start to pet her head and then pick her up and put her on my lap for more meowing. Then what comes on the TV? Well that would be the theme song to Sponge Bob... or Sponge Bogs as she would like to call him. And I get the excited face and "Sponge Bogs is on TV, I told you so!" She kills me with the stuff she says. She has also picked up the word "something", I tend to ask her if she wants something for dinner, snack, lunch, ext. or I will ask her if she wants cereal or something, you see what I am getting at. Well, she has started to tell me exactly what she wants, but still puts something on the end of the sentence. For instance, "Mommy I want some cookies or something" I crack up every time!

Monday, April 7, 2008

OMG I am so lame!

I really have not been motivated to write for the past week or so. I don't even want to write this! But what the hell lets see what comes to mind. Went out with the girls over the weekend... always makes for an interesting and amusing time! We had some drinks and then went to see Stop-Loss... good movie but I don't recommend it to military wives... it was hard to take in some parts. But our motivation for seeing it was hot guys with no shirts. And well a guy in uniform is anything but irresistible! GGGRRRR! So then after the movie we hit up the bar at the Mexican restaurant, the bartenders were hilarious. Dan the Man and Jesse! Good times with those boys, we kept harassing them and they kept us entertained and the drinks full. We thought Jesse was going to call security on us... hahaha! Then Dan pissed us off cause he was talking shit about us with one of the cocktail waitress'... bitches they are all bitches! If some of you don't know or have never been to Vegas, the local entertainment is going to the casinos because that is where everything is at. The one down the street and our usual hangout has a movie theater, restaurants, bars, and of course gambling. The casinos are the all in one locations in Vegas, most have bowling allies and other amenities. No one goes to a stand alone movie theater or bowling ally, to be honest I don't even know of any. The money is in the gambling, so the casinos bring in guest with having it all there. And the locals do not do the strip, unless provoked by incoming family or friends, or it is a special night out on the town. There is however, the random skanks who like to party at the clubs or want to try to meet celebs! I however am not and so I hit up only local joints.
I didn't do much on Sunday, Little Miss played with the neighbor Grace. Just watched movies and that was about it. Trying to keep my house clean, pack boxes and stay on track for the move. My parents are coming in May for two weeks. Graduation, a Cirque Du Soleil show, and the tourist stuff on the strip! Then it is off to Cali to visit my sister, hit up the beach, see Stephenie Meyer at her book signing for the Host, and take in the Broadway Musical Wicked! It should be a great two weeks. Little Miss has a dance recital on May 31st and the my Fly Boy will be home a week later! Then the BIG MOVE! Can't wait, just have to get through April!
Keep ya posted another adult party this weekend! Gotta get more anal eaze... need to stock up for when my Fly Boy is home!