Thursday, March 27, 2008

I got nothing...or is it something?

I don't really have much to say again... it seems I have started this whole blog thing when my life was not all that interesting. I would like to think my life is always interesting, but who knows. I guess everyday is an adventure and I should use every second and every minute of every day to JUST LIVE! So, in the spirit of all this and in the journey of discovering who I am and what makes me~ME, I suppose I will look deeper and try to sort out all the everyday life crap and get to the truth of what makes me tick. Why was I put on this earth to live? What do I have to offer? And not even offer the world, but what do I offer myself? What is most enjoyable in my life and why do I keep on, keepin on? Well, I am sure only time will tell for some of these questions, but for the my entertainment I will try to get to the bottom of some of this tonight and maybe even provide myself with some food for thought.

So, J and Allie have been talking a lot about tattoos and it has made want another one! Just when I thought I was done and the bug was smashed, haha, think again! When I was 19, it was just after finals and the completion of my first year in college, my friend and I took a congratulatory road trip to the great state of Missouri and landed in the wonderful city of St. Louis! My friend was from there, so with her parents money we headed to spend a week of fun and relaxation to recuperate from the tenuous semester which we just completed. I believe it was about a 3 hour drive and we had a blast the entire way there. So, we get settled in our hotel room and start our adventures at Union Station and we ended up hitting all the tourist attractions, but on the third day in town we head down to the Loop. I was excited and couldn't wait for what I had been ultimately planning for months, my first Tattoo! Yeah! So I sit down with idea in hand, no messing this one up, I had the whole thing planned out to a T! Trust me, its for life! So, anyways I get my first tattoo, a frog that looks like he is climbing up my back! Background: I have been collecting frog stuff, like frog everything since the age of 5, so when frogs became popular, it really annoyed me! Anyways, so my tattoo is green and blue and at the small of my back. I was really happy with it, it was perfect! It didn't hurt at all like I thought it would! So, 7 years later thinking well the first one didn't hurt that bad, I thought well I want another one! A month ago, I headed to Bad Apple in Vegas and got my second tattoo. A lily flower on my foot. I love it... so freaking awesome... exactly what I wanted and it has so much more meaning behind it then the frog. I still love my frog, but don't really ever see it, so this one is fabulous because I can see it all the time. But, this one was oh holy mother of god WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION painful! Hurt like, hell was burning off my skin one layer at a time, Satan was stabbing me with his pitch fork, the whole time throwing his head back with his evil laugh, HAHAHAHA you sucker! But really that stupid bug has crawled back up and whispered in my ear, you know you want to, just do it, just one more time, shhhhh I won't tell, heheh! I will keep you posted, perhaps there is another tattoo lingering in my future!

NEXT TOPIC: I read The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman last night and finished today at work (why I didn't blog last night) and IT WAS AWESOME! I have a friend who loves to read, ok well I have a lot of friends and family who love to read, and really I never understood (until today) why I didn't like to read. I always wanted to get interested in it and be a book worm, but I just couldn't. Today, while talking with my friend, the one who recommends most of my readings lately, including The Lovely Bones, I came to the truth behind my lack of reading. It is because I have never been comfortable with my reading skills. I had to be fitted with bifocals when I was in the second grade because my eye would turn in when I focused (eventually I trained my eye and didn't have to wear them anymore) and since then I was always nervous reading aloud and was never confident in my reading skills. I should have known better, I was an honors student and was in the national honors society, but I just was afraid of what I might find if I read and couldn't do it fast or was constantly looking up how to pronounce words or looking for definitions. I was SO wrong, I LOVE TO READ. It is so much fun and I get so engulfed in what I am reading, it is like I am right there. I read faster then I ever thought I could and I just flow across the pages. I have noticed the more and more I read the more I can't wait to move on to the next book. So, my friend is bring in some of her favorites to me tomorrow, can't wait to get started on them this weekend!

Just the tip of the iceberg of who I am...


J said...

Yay for books and tattoos!!!!

Allie said...

When I got my first tattoo I was looking at the wall and I saw a rat with big nasty teeth and my friend and I said we should get that tattood (is that how you spell that?) on our nipple, we never did but its a thought for you.

Allie said...

I tagged you because I need to know 7 useless facts about you.
Check out my second post today for directions.