Friday, March 28, 2008

Tag I'm It!

I have been tagged by Allie at fridaynightambulance to jot down a few random things about myself. The funny thing is, well ok there are two funny things: First~ who the hell am I? I started this thing to find out ~ this might help! Thanks Allie! Second: I don't have 7 people to tag! I know I am LAME, but I am new to this, ugh! So I just might pick some random folks ~ SORRY! If you have no interest in my blog I don't mind ~ I didn't start this thing for anyone but me!
So here are the rules:
1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Word! Here Goes!
1) Organization is KEY! If things are cluttered, unclean, and unorganized my soul can't rest! Unfortunately, since I have been a single parent for the past 10 months my life is full of this and my soul has yet to rest, but soon my husband will help the burden which has weighed down my soul!
2) Playlists are an obsession, I love adding songs to them. Its like finding treasures, lost memories, new memories, memories to be made. I love to associate music with places, people and events in my life.
3) I have an obsession with arms pits, ok really only my husbands arm pit. His sweat mixed with his deodorant is one of my favorite smells in the whole world!
4) I love the smell of grass and trees and flowers and rain ~ the smell of EARTH! The sound of the rain and the outdoors, especially from inside a tent curled up with my husband! I miss this living in the desert.
5) I have to be prepared for the ~ What if?
6) I have a crush on the boys from Break Sk8(America's Best Dance Crew on MTV)... there is something majorly sexy about a guy who can dance on skates. Way HOTT! It reminds me of my husband when he was younger, SEXY! They did this dance to the song "What Is It" by Baby Bash featuring Sean Kingston and they lifted their shirts to reveal their abs! Ouch... it was a sizzler! Foot Note: They are from my home state, Indiana!
7) Little Miss and I call her crocs Gay Shoes... background: a few years ago when crocs came out... I thought they were really gay. So here comes my sister with a pair on, I was like "oh hell no you didn't buy those gay shoes!?" Well, needless to say it stuck! Now my entire family calls them gay shoes. EVEN my 3 yr old!

1) jasonfortheloveofgod
2) crazymanjones
3) iamtrishmarie
4) Sorry
5) All I am
6) Tagging
7) For now


J said...

you are SUCH A FREAK!!!

J said...

blog again already!