Monday, April 28, 2008

Great Day

I had a wonderfully uplifting, great day today! Mondays are always hard, to go back to work after a great weekend, but today was good! Over the weekend, Little Miss, myself and a couple of friends went to 51's minor league baseball game. We had a great time, LM enjoyed herself as did I. One the way out, one of the grounds keepers gave LM a ball from the game. She didn't stop talking about that ball all weekend! Sunday I got a lot of packing done and I felt as though I accomplished a large step in the moving process.

Then, today rolled around and I thought oh no another day at work, ugh. Really, it was not all too bad. I trained Lori on time, for the dreaded day when I leave (ok she is dreading it, she hates to see me go, but I am excited!) and I had some good conversation on break full of witty banter. Lori and I did lunch and gossiped as usual. Nothing like a little girl time, yeah!

Got LM from daycare and headed to the commissary. Got some shopping done and went home unloaded. We made a pizza and watched my shows from last night. I just got LM down and now I am taking advantage of some ME time.

I am truly counting down the days till I am reunited with the love of my life and we can begin our new adventure! LM misses her daddy and we can't wait for him to be in our arms again.

PS: J's daughter made me laugh so hard earlier I about peed my pants! Check out her blog: I just so happened to be on the phone with her when this conversation transpired.


David said...

Nice post! You guys must be excited.

J said...

I want you to move by me! I miss you guys so much!

J said...

Oh you know what? I just almost wrote your real name on here. Dumbass me.