Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday Night Lights!

Last night I played a softball double header! I love softball, played 4 yrs of fast pitch in high school and 3 yrs of slow pitch after high school. I always played hard and enjoyed every minute of it, until I got married and had my first child. The start of our marriage was in another state from where I had always been. I was taken from my comfort zone, I moved to a city where I experienced a huge culture shock. I never really was able to find a place to play and truly I was scared to join a team with no one I knew. So, I suffered in silence. I have for years dwelled on who I use to be and how different my life has become. Until last night, when for 2 hours I played like 7 years hadn't past and life was simple again. I left it all out on the field and was extremely happy my skills weren't as rusty as I thought they might be. I may be sore, bruised and a little bloody but I batted like a champ and fielded even better! Can't wait till next Friday!

Won the first game and lost the second by only 2 runs

This is a new chapter of my life, I enjoyed something from my past with my husband! He played left field and I played left center, he encouraged me the entire time and was so very supportive. Thanks to him I was able to get a little of the old ME back!


Anonymous said...

I want to see some pictures of you playing again!!!